Sustainable Investment

From Open Risk Manual
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Sustainable Investment is an Investment in an economic activity that contributes to an environmental objective, or an investment in an economic activity that contributes to a social objective, or an investment in human capital or economically or socially disadvantaged communities, provided that such investments do not significantly harm any of those objectives and that the investee companies follow good governance practices [1]

In the context of the Financial Competence Framework, Sustainable Investment is a topic in the Planning And Managing Finances subject matter domain.[2]


Mastering the role of Sustainable Investment in financial literacy context requires the following competences:

Code Competency Description Competency Type
219 Aware about existing sustainable investment products on the market Knowledge
220 Aware about the different dimensions of sustainability (environment, social and governance) and about the principles behind each of these dimensions Knowledge
221 Aware that different investment strategies can be used to invest according to one’s own environmental, social and corporate governance (sustainability) preferences, for instance by avoiding investments in certain sectors or companies (divestment), or engaging with certain companies to make them change their activities (engagement) Knowledge
222 Looks for investment products in line with one’s own sustainability preferences Skill
223 Picks an investment strategy in terms of divestment or engagement or combination of both according to one's personal situation and preferences Skill
224 Asks follow-up questions to an advisor on sustainability related aspects of investment products Skill
225 Researches and compares sustainability attributes of potential saving and investment products Skill
226 Motivated to research the products one already holds or plans to invest in, to ensure that they meet personal sustainability preferences Attitude
227 Confident to ask questions about the extent to which an investment product meets sustainability criteria Attitude


  1. building on the definition in Regulation 2019/2088 on sustainability ‐related disclosures in the financial services sector
  2. European Union/OECD (2022), Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union