CPV Category 63-7-2-6 - Miscellaneous Water Transport Support Services

From Open Risk Manual


The Common Procurement Vocabulary Category 63-7-2-6 concerns miscellaneous water transport support services.


This CPV Category contains the following CPV Sub-Categories:

Sub-Category Code Description
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-100 Vessel registration services
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-200 Ice-breaking services
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-300 Vessel storage services
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-400 Ship chartering services
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-500 Vessel laying-up services
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-600 Ship-operating services
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-610 Ship-launching services
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-620 ROV services
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-700 Fishing-vessel services
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-800 Research vessel services
CPV Sub-Category 63-7-2-6-900 Anchor handling services