CPV Category 71-3-5-1 - Geological, Geophysical And Other Scientific Prospecting Services

From Open Risk Manual


The Common Procurement Vocabulary Category 71-3-5-1 concerns geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services.


This CPV Category contains the following CPV Sub-Categories:

Sub-Category Code Description
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-100 Core preparation and analysis services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-200 Geological and geophysical consultancy services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-210 Geophysical consultancy services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-220 Geological consultancy services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-300 Micropalaeontological analysis services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-400 Petrophysical interpretation services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-500 Ground investigation services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-600 Weather-forecasting services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-610 Meteorology services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-611 Climatology services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-612 Hydrometeorology services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-700 Scientific prospecting services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-710 Geophysical prospecting services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-720 Geophysical surveys of archaeological sites
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-730 Geological prospecting services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-800 Topographical and water divining services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-810 Topographical services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-811 Topographical surveys of archaeological sites
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-820 Water divining services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-900 Geology, oceanography and hydrology services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-910 Geology services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-911 Photogeology services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-912 Stratigraphic geology services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-913 Geological exploration services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-914 Archaeological services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-920 Oceanography and hydrology services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-921 Estuarine oceanography services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-922 Physical oceanography services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-923 Bathymetric surveys services
CPV Sub-Category 71-3-5-1-924 Underwater exploration services