ISCO Unit Group 4211 Bank Tellers And Related Clerks

From Open Risk Manual


Bank Tellers And Related Clerks: Bank tellers and related clerks deal directly with clients of banks or post offices in connection with receiving, changing and paying out money, or providing mail services.

Tasks include -

(a) processing customer cash deposits and withdrawals, cheques, transfers, bills, credit card payments, money orders, certified cheques and other related banking transactions;

(b) crediting and debiting clients’ accounts;

(c) paying bills and making money transfers on clients’ behalf;

(d) receiving mail, selling postage stamps and conducting other post office counter business such as bill payments, money transfers and related business;

(e) changing money from one currency to another, as requested by clients;

(f) making records of all transactions and reconciling them with cash balance.

Examples of the occupations classified here:

- Bank teller

- Money changer

- Post office counter clerk

Some related occupations classified elsewhere:

- Cashier- 5230


Occupation Title
C4211.2 ISCO Occupation Group 4211.2 Post Office Counter Clerk
C4211.1 ISCO Occupation Group 4211.1 Bank Teller

Higher Level