ISCO Unit Group 7515 Food And Beverage Tasters And Graders

From Open Risk Manual


Food And Beverage Tasters And Graders: Food and beverage tasters and graders inspect, taste and grade various types of agricultural products, food and beverages.

Tasks include -

(a) inspecting, testing, tasting and smelling agricultural products, food and beverages at various stages of processing;

(b) determining quality, acceptability to consumer tastes and approximate value of products, and grading them into appropriate classes;

(c) discarding inferior products;

(d) recording the grade and/or identification numbers on tags, receiving or sales sheets;

(e) weighing and measuring products.

Examples of the occupations classified here:

- Food grader

- Food taster

- Liquor taster

- Tea taster

- Wine taster


Occupation Title
C7515.4 ISCO Occupation Group 7515.4 Malt Master
C7515.1 ISCO Occupation Group 7515.1 Coffee Taster
C7515.3 ISCO Occupation Group 7515.3 Food Grader
C7515.2 ISCO Occupation Group 7515.2 Farm Milk Controller
C7515.5 ISCO Occupation Group 7515.5 Master Coffee Roaster

Higher Level